C++使用Lambda表达式做function adaptor

deltamaster posted @ Nov 30, 2013 09:35:42 AM in C++ with tags c++ template lambda adaptor , 5174 阅读


	int myArr[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21};
	vector<int> v(myArr, myArr + sizeof(myArr) / sizeof(int));
	cout << count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), bind2nd(less<int>(), 12)) << endl;



function derivative(f,  dx) {
    return  function (x) {
        return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx;
var result = derivative(function(x) {
    return x * x;
}, 0.000001)(5);




double my_sqr(double x)
	return (x * x);


function<double (double)> derivative_simple(function<double (double)> f, double dx)
	return [=](double x)->double {
		return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx;




cout << derivative_simple(my_sqr, 0.000001)(5) << endl;


template <typename operation, typename T>
operation derivative_any(operation f, T dx)
	return [=](T x)->T {
		return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx;


	typedef function<double (double)> operation;
	cout << derivative_any<operation, double>(my_sqr, 0.000001)(5) << endl;

我们在调用之前用typedef做了一个类型声明,简化下面调用语句的书写。这次调用的效果还是一样的。但是如果将来真的要把Stone传进来,我们只要将operation指定为function<Stone (Stone)>,将T指定为Stone就可以了。



template<typename T>
class my_sqr_functor
	typedef T argument_type;
	T operator()(T x)
		return (x * x);



template <typename operation>
operation derivative_functor(operation f, typename operation::argument_type dx)
	typedef typename operation::argument_type T;
	return [=](T x)->T {
		return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx;

改造器也相应升级了,我们在这里不需要再指定模板参数T了,而是用typename operation::argument_type来代替。下面再将它定义成T纯粹是为了书写方便。改造器的功能基本没有变化。然后我们调用它。

	typedef function<double (double)> operation;
	cout << derivative_functor<operation>(my_sqr_functor<double>(), 0.000001)(5) << endl;



* 本文在CC BY-SA(署名-相同方式共享)协议下发布。
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